Saturday, May 21, 2011

Coyote Soccer Season

The Coyotes wrapped up their 8-2 season last Saturday....They did such a good job in all the games and we are so proud of them...We have a great group of boys who are good listeners, never cry, they all want to be in there playing and are super good sports....They are so fun!!!

Here is Coach Laura with Sam, Jett, Miles, Blake, Vicent and Kohen
Kohen finished up the season with a total of 7 goals....That's several more than last season....He improved a lot on his aggressiveness and getting in there after the ball....I think he still prefers defense over trying to get the ball to go score...He much prefers stopping them and kicking it away...His dribbling got so much better and I think he will continue to enjoy playing....

And since our coach is moving to Amarillo, I guess Kerry and I are now the official coaches of the Coyotes for the Fall Season....Something I was fully not intending to do, but I feel OK knowing that Kerry will be a big helper....

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