Monday, March 28, 2011

Ranger Game--#2

Saturday morning was game #2 for the Rangers...It was at 9:00 am and was freeeeezing out there!!!...The wind was just miserable...I felt really bad for most of the little guys...Some cried the whole time...Most just wanted their coats on...Baseball is not the warmest sport since you do a lot of standing around....Kohen didn't seem to mind, thank goodness...But Kerry, Kresee and I stayed pretty cold like most of the people watching....

Kohen was supposed to play 1st base first time out on the field...But he really wanted to be catcher--haha...It took 3 of us getting on all that gear, but he is the cutest little catcher!

Running to 1st base...He loved sucking on that darn chin strap everytime he had it on!....

2nd time on the field...He got to be at the pitcher's mound...That's where all the action is:)...He was very serious about his job out there!

2nd time at bat---he hit left-handed and again did better than the right??

Waiting on 3rd base....

Running home....

Kohen was the "line leader" to high-five the other team after the game....

Coach Jesse telling the boys what field and when the next game is??...I had to laugh at that...Because A) I'm sure they were listening and B) Like they care (haha)....

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