Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Coyote Soccer

Kohen had his first soccer game with his new team, the Coyotes....He has been waiting and was so excited to get going in soccer again...But I have to keep reminding him that he isn't a WFHS Coyote:)

They played the Cowboys (aka Dallas Cowboys according to Kohen)....Let me back track a bit and say that last season the Lizards (Kohen's old team) got spanked by the Cowboys...It was bad, like 15-3...And even though the Coyotes put up a good fight, they also lost to the Cowboys last season....Soooo since we knew we had a pretty good little team and we were all very excited to see this match up...

Jaxson and Kohen pre-game.....There are only 6 boys on the team and 2 couldn't make it...We knew they would all get a lot of playing time and be pretty worn out...But they hung in there and did great.... They got down 3-0 pretty quickly but rallied back to make it 4-3...And they won the game 9-4...We were so proud of them all...Kohen even managed to score 2 goals....He was sooooo excited that he high-fived everyone on the sidelines and in the stands (haha)....

Way to go Coyotes!
We play the Cowboys again the 3rd game...BUT Kohen has his only conflict of the season---it's the first t-ball game...So we can't miss that:)...So I'm thinking of going to his soccer game at 5:30 and letting him play the first 10 minutes and then heading over to the t-ball game that starts at 5:45...At least they are close together and we don't have to drive far!

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