Friday, May 31, 2013

Kresee's Moving On Celebration

 Today Kresee officially "graduated" 3K preschool...We had her little celebration at lunchtime and then she went to work with me for the afternoon...She had a great time at school helping me clean my room for summer break...
Here are her pictures we took this morning before we headed to school...
Comparison between beginning and end of year:)
 Here we are at her school...Everyone brings lunch for a picnic outside...It was hot and windy---exactly what our weather has been like lately...
 Last day of school picture with Mrs. Connel
First day of school picture with Mrs. Connel
 Kresee and Jack
 Kresee and Gram
 Here she is getting her certificate...
She was so excited...."I'm done with school? Today? I don't go back?"....She really wishes she was heading to KG this year, but I said one more year:)

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