Sunday, March 11, 2012

Kresee's check-up

Kresee had her big 3 year check-up with Dr. Yap on Friday...She was pretty excited to go and see him....I didn't let her know about getting a shot until we got there since I wasn't sure how many she was getting...BUT she only needed one and she was a trooper....

Sitting in the waiting room "Does Dr. Yap live here?" "Where is Dr. Yap" "Is he in that door?" "When is Dr. Yap coming?" I kept saying why do you keep asking about Dr. Yap, you won't talk to him..."yes, I will"....I bet you don't...."I will talk to him"....And surprisingly, she was shy like usual but then opened up and talked to him...I was very proud of her....

Height--36" (25%)
Weight--27.5 lbs (25%)

I looked back and Kohen was 2 inches taller and 2 lbs heavier....She is a consistent little thing staying around that 25%--she's been there here whole little life:)

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