Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Getting Closer

ETA---next Tuesday or Wednesday ....So this time next week, we may have some chickens hatching...But it can take up to 24 hrs for them to completely break out of their shell and then you aren't supposed to mess with them until they are dry...

Last week Kerry did the first candle-ing...I'm not really sure how you spell that...But that's what they did in the old days...But the eggs over a candle to see the embryo growing inside...You are supposed to do this a few times to make sure they are developing correctly...There are things you are looking for...Things that Kerry knows and that I honestly don't care about :)...I'm just the photographer and all I care about is the end result!

Meme and Big Papa came over tonight to check them out again...Out of the 9 eggs, we have 6 that are for sure doing great...There are 3 maybe's...SO hopefully we will have at least 5 or 6 baby chicks....

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