Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Punching Bag

Kohen got a punching bag for his bday...BUT you have to put sand or water in the bottom for it to stand up and then "pop" back up after you hit it...If you know Kerry at all, you know that he doesn't go for things like that...It like might leak in the house or something:)...So my mom took it outside and put water in it so that he could practice (she is the one who bought it for Kohen:))...He was sooo excited...."I'm going to leave it out here forever and practice every morning"....Ok, sweetie--whatever!....But he had a blast hitting the "black and yellow man"....And my mom put some water in the water table for Kresee to splash around in...She's naked b/c I attempted to let her eat red jell-o for dinner...She had more fun squishing it and rubbing it on her...Kind of stained her a little bit...So she was disgusting and I just let her be naked....She had a great time last night as well....

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