Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Here We Go....

It's official....Kresee is crawling...It's been a very busy week for her....She has started clapping, bouncing and dancing, growling, rocking on those hands and knees, army crawling, crawling backwards and finally crawling!!

Her babysitter told me yesterday when I picked her up that she was crawling...But I didn't see it for my own eyes...She did a tiny bit last night...But tonight we got home from eating dinner and I sat down in front of her, she plopped on those hands and knees and crawled (really slowly) to me!!!....Super sweet and then we tried to get her on video and she wasn't interested then...

Kohen has nooooo idea how much he is going to dislike his sister in the coming days...I've been trying to warn him but he hasn't a clue.....

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