Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Successful Surgery

Biskit had surgery yesterday....The tumor on her belly was just getting so big and heavy....It was very bothersome and very uncomfortable for her....So this weekend at the lake, we had our vet (Kerry's dad's friend) take a look at her after the fireworks....Since the tumor had gotten so large he felt really good about being able to remove it....So we went in Monday afternoon to have another sonogram to make sure the tumor in her bladder wasn't larger and that there was no new tumors growing inside her....And she had several X-Rays to make sure the cancer hadn't spread to her lungs....If any of those things had looked badly, we would not have been able to do the surgery since there would really be no point....BUT everything was the same and no major changes......
So Kerry took her in at 8:00 yesterday morning and we picked her up around 5:45.....Everything went great....He was very pleased.....He said her bloodwork really surprised him because it looked great....By looking at it you wouldn't have known she was even sick....So we are hoping she has more time than we orginally thought...I'm not getting too optimistic, but I'm more hopeful......
She, of course, is very sore I'm sure....It was major surgery getting as much of the bad tissue out....Of course, he can't get it all but we knew that going into it....The only thing we are hoping is that since the tumor grew so fast and big so quickly, that we didn't make it "angry" and it grows back just as fast or bigger the next time.....
I know we can't keep her forever.....But I just want her last bit of time with us to be as pain-free as possible and this surgery will hopefully accomplish that......

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