Thursday, August 11, 2011

Poor Guy!

This guy had a rough day on Monday....I dropped him off at school like usual...I headed to the gym....I saw that I had a phone call around 10:30 but didn't recognize the number....My class ended at 10:45...I checked the message and it was someone from his Preschool, but they just said to call back...Then I get a text from Kerry saying he had been hurt and was picking him up...So I felt horrible that I didn't call the school back at 10:30...But that's how things happen....

Basically he felt the need to stand on the wheel of the scooter and face planted fast and hard into the handlebars...His nose bleed for quite some time and his mouth was really bloody too...His face was pretty swollen immediately...They said he was very calm but he couldn't stop shaking...I guess his body was reacting....They were really concerned with his mouth and teeth but they didn't want to look in his mouth and mess with it and suggested we go to the dentist...So I took him straight up to see Alisa (Dr. Ratzlaff) where she calmed our fears...His teeth were intact and seemed fine...We are hoping that one doesn't die and turn black...But if so, oh well, it will fall out eventually:)...He mainly cut the inside of his upper lip pretty good which caused his lip to swell so much....But we came home and iced his lip and cheek...He seemed fine which was good...
The next day he was still pretty swollen and then the bruise started to appear...Just a big line down the side of his nose...I'm sure he hit it directly on something.....
Since I was taking pics of him, Kresee was really needing to be in 1:)

The swelling is much better this morning....And the bruise will probably be there for a few more days...But I'm just glad it all turned out OK....

In the 2 years he's attended SLP, we've never had one accident report (not a cut/scratch or anything)...I guess he needed to get in one good one before he starts KG !!

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