Friday, February 25, 2011

Healing Up

Wednesday morning Kohen was still a little swollen and it was the first time you could really see the bruising under his eye...It had been so puffy but was now bruised...I hoped it wouldn't turn into a full black eye....He was still a little swollen....And he was much more willing to go to school for Day #2:)
These are from Wednesday night before he went to bed....I thought the swelling on his face and redness looked better from even that same morning....He did have to repeat the story to his friends at school who missed on Tuesday, but was OK with re-telling what happened:)
The two cuts were just getting a little gross looking now....
Thursday morning before he left for school...He is always super excited to get his picture made in the morning:)
These next two are from Thursday night...They were looking pretty pussy and gross to the both of us...We thought it would be best to make another trip to see the pediatrician in the morning just to make sure they weren't getting infected...I hated to not take him today and then have to wait the whole weekend.....
But he said that yes they indeed were full, but not infected...And that they should probably start
oozing on their own...Gross!
These are from tonight....He had picked the one by his nose a little at school today...So it oozed blood all afternoon and evening...I even had to snip a little bit of the dermabond away so it wouldn't pull off....He took a shower and when he got out, I patted his face and the one on the side just popped...It was super gross...Sorry if it's TMI, but A LOT of junk came out of that one and it wasn't even the one that looked nasty...Kerry was still in the shower and had to lean over and put his hands on his knees because he got a little light-headed...What a weenie, he wasn't the one cleaning it up nor was he even near it....So it now looks a little bloody, but much better.. Then since he had already made the other one open up himself, we went ahead and cleaned it as best we could...But it does look a lot better without all that nasty puss in there!
And I think the swelling has pretty much gone away....And the bruising under his eye looks much better:)
He just still can't get over why it's not better....He was with my sister this afternoon and she said he acted a little sad off and on...He finally told her that he was worried that he wouldn't be better before his birthday (April 20th) and before he started Kindergarten (this August!!)
So tonight we had another conversation and I assured him that he would indeed be much better by his birthday and that he would for sure be good to go before school started...Silly kid...The worries that he has!!

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