Saturday, August 28, 2010

Hatching some eggs...

They are here....Kerry brought home the Bantum "bannie" chicken eggs last night...Kohen has been waiting on them all week...Since it's not prime time to be laying several eggs each day in the heat...The chickens only lay one or two each day...The man we got them from just started saving some up for us and he gave Kerry 9 yesterday and will continue to gather up a few more....

They have to sit for 24 hrs before you start turning them (which will be tonight)....We are going to go and purchase an egg turned so we don't have to worry about it next weekend when we are at the Lake for Labor Day....

So they normally take 21 days to hatch, but this man says his always hatch on day 18....Kohen doesn't quite grasp waiting 2 1/2 weeks...He thinks it's fooooorever!...He is mainly concerned about them seeing HIS face first so they will think he is their daddy:)

Unfortunately, Kresee has to know what is going on...So she squeezed her way in...I figured since she knows they are off limits she will be messing with them...But I think she's already forgotten and hasn't gone in the study once today....

Kerry has been wanting to do this with Kohen for a long time...Some of his favorite memories are of him and his papa hatching bannie chicken eggs...But they kept the chickens around...Luckily my dad has chickens out at his house, so they will go to live with him once they are born...
And Kresee is excited about them too:)

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