Sunday, August 15, 2010

Baby Greyson

The kids and I got up yesterday morning to head to Denton to meet Carey and Jared's new little man....Kerry had to work so I was a little apprehensive about taking them by myself!...But they did well on the car ride down...Kresee did take a little 30 minute nap...And when we were almost there Kohen says "Can we go home now?"....I had to let him know that it would be awhile before we went home...Greyson had just eaten when we arrived and the kid didn't make a peep for 4 hrs while we were there...But decided to wake up just as we were leaving and was NOT having his picture made...He was starving and did not really want me at this point:)...Oh well, I will get a picture with him when he's not crying at some point!

But my 2 kiddos weren't too awful...Actually Kresee was great...It was Kohen that was being a little stinker...I hate how he shows off and acts so silly around other people...He only got thumped a few times and one time-out (haha)...But they zonked out the minute we got in the car...Again, Kresee only slept until Decatur and Kohen slept the whole way back to WF...

I had a wonderful time visiting with the new parents and holding that sweet baby boy...Can't wait to see him again soon!

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