Sunday, August 29, 2010

Farm Animals

We made a trip to Atwood's this morning to let the kids look at some little farm animals...Kerry went yesterday to pick up the egg turner for the egg incubator so we didn't have to do it by hand 5 and 6 times a day...And he said they had bins of little chickens, bunnies, and ducks....But we mainly wanted Kohen to see the baby Bantum chicks so he knew what his little chicks were going to look like....
And Atwood's is now Kerry's new favorite store...I don't think he's ever been there before until we bought the egg incubator...I guess it just has a little of everything??
Bantum chickens...What will be hatching at our house in about 16 days:)
Some other type of chickens...
Little bunny rabbits....
Baby ducks were Kresee's favorite...

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