Monday, August 30, 2010

Helping out

Kresee likes helping Daddy out with the yard work:)

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Football Shirt

aBc Children's Designs made this shirt for Kohen...Now you know I LOVE etsy...They have sooo many super, duper cute things for girls....The boys seem a little more limited....But I have to say that I absolutely fell in love with this football shirt when I saw it and I had to get Kohen one...We got it in the mail yesterday...I had it done in long-sleeve so he is good to go for the Coyote football games when it gets cooler...Check out her shop:)

Farm Animals

We made a trip to Atwood's this morning to let the kids look at some little farm animals...Kerry went yesterday to pick up the egg turner for the egg incubator so we didn't have to do it by hand 5 and 6 times a day...And he said they had bins of little chickens, bunnies, and ducks....But we mainly wanted Kohen to see the baby Bantum chicks so he knew what his little chicks were going to look like....
And Atwood's is now Kerry's new favorite store...I don't think he's ever been there before until we bought the egg incubator...I guess it just has a little of everything??
Bantum chickens...What will be hatching at our house in about 16 days:)
Some other type of chickens...
Little bunny rabbits....
Baby ducks were Kresee's favorite...

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Hatching some eggs...

They are here....Kerry brought home the Bantum "bannie" chicken eggs last night...Kohen has been waiting on them all week...Since it's not prime time to be laying several eggs each day in the heat...The chickens only lay one or two each day...The man we got them from just started saving some up for us and he gave Kerry 9 yesterday and will continue to gather up a few more....

They have to sit for 24 hrs before you start turning them (which will be tonight)....We are going to go and purchase an egg turned so we don't have to worry about it next weekend when we are at the Lake for Labor Day....

So they normally take 21 days to hatch, but this man says his always hatch on day 18....Kohen doesn't quite grasp waiting 2 1/2 weeks...He thinks it's fooooorever!...He is mainly concerned about them seeing HIS face first so they will think he is their daddy:)

Unfortunately, Kresee has to know what is going on...So she squeezed her way in...I figured since she knows they are off limits she will be messing with them...But I think she's already forgotten and hasn't gone in the study once today....

Kerry has been wanting to do this with Kohen for a long time...Some of his favorite memories are of him and his papa hatching bannie chicken eggs...But they kept the chickens around...Luckily my dad has chickens out at his house, so they will go to live with him once they are born...
And Kresee is excited about them too:)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Coyotes vs Burk

Well football season officially kicked off last night....Kohen could barely stand it...He loves football as much as Kerry and I do....And Kresee, of course, didn't know what was going on but really enjoyed herself....

Kresee in her cute little dress (from etsy of course) before we left for the game....

Walking into the stadium....

We get there early to do the Junior Coyote stuff...The kids get to run around on the field a little bit before it all gets started...
Waiting on the football players to come down the ramp....

Kresee and I did not run through--we walked ahead of them so I could snap some pictures as they ran...Of course, Kohen and his friend Grayson were the last ones in the pack:)

Our view...The boys like to run around and play during the game so we didn't sit in the stands...

Kresee wanted to wear Kohen's jersey and she did wear it for quite awhile....She loved clapping when the band was playing....

She was NOT interested in the Coyote Mascot, but Kohen wanted to say hello...But instead the cheerleader grabbed him up:)...I'm sure he didn't mind!!

Then the boys just mainly ran around playing while us adults sat and watched...Kresee and I stayed until half time and Kerry and Kohen made it the whole game...They got home around 10:15....I made Kohen promise he wouldn't be a nightmare when he got up this morning....He did tell me "Mommy, I'm just a little bit sleepy this morning"...He knows there is another Thursday night game next week and I know he won't want to miss it:)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

And so it begins....

Well it's officially here....We had our 1st soccer practice tonight...Kohen was soooo excited (as was I) and I think he had a great time...We will have 2 more practices and then its game time on September 11th...He was a little confused tonight thinking family members were going to be coming...I tried to explain that its just practice:)
He is on a team with our next door neighbor so he doesn't know any of the other boys...You know how shy and soft spoken he is, but I was surprised to see him running around with them from the beginning...
Running around before practice started....
Pairing up to kick back and forth....Kohen and Mitchell

All 6 boys standing in line...Mitchell, Chaithan, a kid I have no idea how to spell, Landry, Kohen, and Grant
Kerry showing Kohen and Mitchell what to do....

Some 3x3 action at the end of the practice...It was a mess...Too funny...So Kerry got out there to help Kohen and his 2 team mates and David helped with his son's team:)...Afterwards, Kohen says "I think the Lizards won--who won?"....They just don't understand this whole thing yet...
Kresee had to get in on some of it...From the sidelines of course....
And we went to Orange Leaf afterwards to a yummy yogurt...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Water Bowl

I really have to watch Kresee b/c if she notices that our pantry door is open, she gets in the dog food and distributes food to the eager doggies...The other day she got mad b/c I wouldn't let her play in the dog food, so she went and got her play-dough shovel and had a ball in the dog's water bowl instead...So our bathroom floor was soaking wet and so was she:)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Good Little Mommy

Kresee does not play with dolls at our house...Sadly, there aren't too many girl toys...She has a few dolls, but has never been interested in any of them...She would much rather play with all of Kohen's things...Mimi has been telling me for awhile now that Kresee plays with a really old doll at her house and always is feeding her...We don't have any bottles for her babies, so I just thought she wasn't interested....

So I did get out one of her little babies this weekend and wrapped her up in a blanket and she carried her around a lot...She even had Kerry put a diaper on it Saturday night...But we still didn't have any bottles....
So Kresee and I went to Wal-Mart yesterday morning and the plan was to buy a bottle but they really didn't have anything individually...So we got a $10 baby that came will a milk bottle, sippy cup, pacifier and a teddy bear...It's all magnetic so the paci sticks to the baby's mouth...She is in LOVE...She has NOT put this thing down...She loves wrapping her in a blanket and carrying her and feeding her...She even put it night-night before leaving for Mimi's house this morning...
Isn't she the cutest:)
And this was taken from my phone today...