Sunday, January 11, 2009

Kohen's New Love

So Kohen isn't the biggest sweet-eater. A lot of the time, he won't try much of anything. If he does have a cookie, he maybe takes 2 bites. He does like ice cream but wastes half of it. So I haven't bought these cookies in a really long time. A) because Kerry and I could eat them probably all in one sitting and B) I just haven't really thought about them in years.
They are just so darn soft and too good. I bought some pink ones at the grocery store recently for no particular reason and Kohen actually ate 2 of them. The whole thing. One in the afternoon before dinner and one after dinner. So we went back to the store this week and he spotted them and have to have the blue icing cookies. That night he ate 2 of them in one sitting which is crazy since like I said I can't get him to eat more than 2 bites usually. So he really likes these darn cookies. I might have to avoid them at the grocery store or I think he will continue to want me to buy them (which I will) and then I will end up eating half of them myself!!
So here he is finishing up his 2nd cookie for the evening.

And you gotta have a big cup of milk to wash it all down.


erin and dutch said... sure do know the good stuff! those cookies are THE BEST & too addicting. xoxo.

Shane, Steph, Adeline, Adam said...

I think you found your way to get him to go potty!!! :)