Friday, March 15, 2013

4 yr Check-Up

Kresee had her 4 year check-up with Dr. Yap today...She was so excited and did so well answering his questions and doing everything he asked...Kerry had to comment about what a horrible patient she was as a little baby--I honestly had forgotten (haha)...She didn't have to get any shots today and we will get those next year at her 5 year appt before we register her for Kindergarten...She had a vision and hearing screening completed that is a requirement for preschool and she did great
 She ate a really, really big lunch in hopes to get a few more ounces in her before we went...We were shooting for 30 lbs....
Weight: 30 lbs exactly (10th%)
Height: 38 1/2 inches (22nd%)

I looked back and Kohen was 31.8 lbs and 40" at 4 yrs old...So she's not too far behind him:)

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