Monday, April 30, 2012

Random Pics

Just some random phone pictures that I need to post on the blog:)
Kresee feeding her baby doll
 Kohen came home with this drawing from school....It's a picture describing the whole lightening catching our house on fire...That's the lightening in the sky with the fire chief putting out the fire on the roof...Of course there is a fire truck and those three people in the car are Kohen, Kresee and I...
 "Mommy he's laying on me. He loves me!!"
 This girl played hard outside and was so dirty and disgusting by the end of the day....
 This guy sacked out on the stairs after walking in the door from the doctor's office...He had an ear infection....
 This was from a few games back...Kohen played his friend Noah in soccer
 At tball the other day...Kohen has been hitting a homerun most every game:)

Playing outside in the plastic pool because it's already been soooo hot outside...Not looking forward to the heat this summer!!

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