Friday, December 17, 2010


As 2010 comes to end, I can't help but be thankful each day for the life that I have....I have a great husband and 2 healthy kids...A wonderful extended family....Kerry and I both have good health...But it's such a huge effort for me to stop and think and be grateful each day...I take it for granted way too much...I have to tell myself to stop and be thankful....Thank the Lord for the life he's blessed me with....

Especially when mom sends me a picture like this.....

2010 was something Mike never expected....Mom neither....He didn't know he would be spending his birthday (December 19th) in the midst of chemo and radiation treatment for cancer...He didn't know he would be fighting to live...Fighting this disease....And I admire him so much...I know he doesn't take anything for granted...He is such an inspiration...I mean he couldn't have a more positive attitude...I hope if I ever have to experience something like he is, I can be just like him....And my mom is such a blessing to him and I know he knows that...She just keeps going and doesn't miss a beat....

I hope 2011 is a year that they both enjoy---healthy and can put 2010 behind them....I pray Mike is cancer free...That he gets his new set of teeth so he can eat...That he gets all his taste buds back so he can enjoy the food he's eating...That he can get back to being him!...We love you Mom and Mike....

1 comment:

Crystal and Jeremy Johnson said...

So sorry Kendra! I am always thinking about yall!