Saturday, June 5, 2010

15 Months

This sweet baby girl is 15 months old!

Grammie got her a hair dryer because we went to play with Presley last week and Kresee fell in love....
Kerry asked her this morning...Do you want to get down from the bed? shakes head No....Do you want to eat breakfast? shakes her head No....Do you want to watch Baby Einstein? shakes her head Yes
So he laid some pillows in the floor and she hung out:)

She is starting to talk so much more...Will pretty much mimic any word you tell her to say...Yesterday her new word was water (wa-wa)...Today was window (sounded like mu mu) and outside (ow ow)....But she has some new ones like mimi, puppy (pu-pu), move (moooo)--she tells this one to the dogs constantly along with get (de de), can say moo for a cow and ooh ahh like a monkey....I love this age where they do really start playing more with their voice and using words...I remember Kohen was such a sponge and by 18 months, he had 70 words....I remember writing them all down...I will have to pull that out in a few months:)....
She still only has her 2 bottom teeth and 2 top teeth...But another top is starting to poke through and the other side is pretty close as well....
So Kerry and I are heading to OKC tonight to catch our 5:30 am flight to St. Lucia in the morning...Can't wait to get there and celebrate our 10 year anniversary!....I will miss the kiddos like crazy...But I know my mom especially is looking forward to getting the kids for a lot of quality Grammie time:)

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