Monday, March 8, 2010

Part 3---1 yr. Check-Up

Kresee and Daddy waiting for Dr. Yap this afternoon....

Today we went for her 12 mos. check-up....Poor baby got 3 shots....Kohen was with us and wondered why we get shots:)....So Kerry explained that one to him....

She actually did better today than she has in the past...Didn't scream bloody murder when Nurse Donna weighed her....And she even set on the table while Dr. Yap checked her out without one of us holding her....

She weighed in at 19.2 lbs (she was 19.4 lbs at 9 mos but lost some in January when she got sick), so this put her right between the 10th and 25th %

She was 29 inches long....She grew 2 inches from her 9 mos appt....This put her right under the 50%....

She has just been such a joy and blessing this past year....It honestly goes so quickly...With the 2nd, time really flies....She has been the best little baby and I hope that continues as she transitions to being a toddler:)....

She still isn't walking yet...Will stand and maybe take a step or two...But really has no interest in walking....She has started telling the dogs "de" which means "get"...At the dinner table, that's all I say to them...So she now points her little finger at them and says "de"....But she still says mama, dada, nie-nie, hi, bye-bye, there "der" and thank-you "de-du"....Her favorite is still dada and pretty much EVERYTHING is dada:).....I'm ready for about the 18 mos mark when new words are spoken everyday!...

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