Tuesday, January 26, 2010

4 Wheeler

I have parked all of Kohen's vehicles in our garage for some time now: his blue car, the tractor, a red car and his 4 wheeler....So Kresee has yet to see these in action....Kohen begged for one tonight and so I decided the little 4 wheeler wouldn't be too bad....She was eating dinner when she saw Kohen get on it for the first time and her little face just lit up...She couldn't wait to get her little hands on it...And did she....I sat her on there and she found that little red button immediately....It was so funny watching her...She tried to use her index finger and realized she wasn't strong enough....Then she used her thumb but didn't have it positioned quite right and on the 3rd attempt she was off and she loved it:).....

Can you tell how red her right cheek is....Kohen got to go to the globetrotter game with Grammie last night and he got a basketball...Well right before this he was playing in the entry way and it smacked her right in the face!
And I looked back to see if I could find some of Kohen when he first rode on it....He got this for his first birthday

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