Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 Accomplishments

78.5--hours at the gym
678--miles for the year

I was kind of disappointed that I didn't hit my goal of 700 miles for the year....I was 22 miles short which was easily attainable had I not gotten so sick...I haven't run in 2 weeks, but that's ok...I ran almost 40 more miles this year than last year anyways, so that's good!!

My gym time was cut way back from last year....Kohen's soccer and football this Fall really put a damper on my working out time...So I missed lots of classes at the gym for 3-4 months...But I will be glad to get going again on my zumba and plyo classes come 2013!...But still 78.5 hours is great and I'm happy with it...I found a new app on my iPad that I'm excited to use this new year as well...So days when I can't get to the gym or go outside for a run, I have an option to workout in my living room!

I was able to run 3 half marathons this year....Something that I really wanted to do...The only one I didn't get to run was White Rock earlier this month...I ran the Duel back in January, then the Xpress half early March and the Rock N Roll Dallas late March....I ran a 10K in April and a 15K in May...Took it easy over the summer since it gets so hot and ran a lot on the treadmill:)....I did complete 2-5K's in November and another 10K earlier this month...

We shall see what 2013 has in store for me and my running!!


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