Saturday, January 25, 2014

Post Op Check Up

We headed down to Dallas yesterday for a one week check up with Red. Here he is riding in my lap on the way down. I'm glad he rides well in the car.
 We were excited because his stitches were coming out today. I miss those big huge bug eyes and I know he is ready to see fully.
Dr. Munger said he looked so good he couldn't believe he was only one week post op. So instead of going back next week, we get a two week break! Yay! His tear production is low but ...eye pressure was good. So off the eye pressure meds and add the tear production eye drops. He got his stitches out so he looks back to his normal self. Weird seeing big ole brown eyes instead of eyes with huge white cataracts in them. He kind of looks younger. He is getting more spunkier by the day. I kind of think he likes this whole being able to see thing--haha. He still has the cone but we can give him breaks from it which will be nice. Still gonna limit his activity with the dogs so no one bumps or scratches his pretty new eyes.
Look at the difference in those eyes. One week apart:)


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