Saturday, January 18, 2014

Big Day!!!

We drove down to Dallas Wednesday night. That 4:45 am stuff was too early for me and we had no where to go afterwards. The clinic recommended this hotel that was pet friendly and gave discounts to the animals staying there for surgery. They were super sweet and we enjoyed our hotel. Red did not sleep at all Wednesday night. It was like he knew something big was happening the next day. So we were pretty exhausted. These were the last two pictures I planned on taking of him blind!! Sweet, sweet boy didn't have a clue the rough day he was about to go through.
We dropped him off bright and early and thankfully was able to go right back to the hotel and rest until they called us. We were exhausted! No one had still called us around lunch time so we were getting worried. We walked to a sandwich shop close to the hotel and decided we would call after lunch. The lady said Red was doing well but that Dr. Munger would call us later. Not long after one of the vet techs called. She tried explaining the surgery but I was thankful Dr. Munger called not long afterwards to give a better explanation of how everything went. He said that Red had a rough day and is still pretty sedated bc he wasn't being to nice to the vet techs. They had to give him an extra dose of sedative to keep him calm. He could see them coming and didn't want to be poked and prodded anymore. Haha. BUT he could see them!!! The doctor said bc he's been blind for so long the surgery was pretty tough. They weren't able to place an intraocular lens in the right eye but were able to in the left. Basically the 'fake' lens helps the eye focus. So if something is fairly close to him it might be a bit blurry but will still be able to see fine out of it at other distances. The left eye with the lens should be good to go. We weren't able to pick Red up until 6:00 pm that night and so we couldn't wait to see him. It had been an extremely long day. Because of the extra sedative, my hope of him seeing me for the first time and being all excited didn't happen. The guy was so drugged up he didn't know a thing. We went back to the hotel and he slept and slept. He wouldn't even stand up to go potty. He stayed like this for many hours. Finally at midnight he kind of started waking up but was still groggy. His eyes were sewn shut so he could only peek out the slits anyways and they were all gooped up.

The doctor said his eyes looked really good yesterday at his post-op appointment. We go back Thursday for another check up. The outside of his eyelids are going to stay stitched up until next week to help with moisture and tear production. He's still been snoozing a lot as usual but I know he's been through a lot. We can't let him roam/explore too much so he can't bump into something. He can't really judge anything quite yet and the cone doesn't help with that;) I don't know how long he will wear the cone. He can definitely see and will take some time adjusting. You can tell he's trying to figure it all out again. He was excited to see the kids yesterday. He wags his little bootie when he sees me and comes to me. On the bed, he knows it's the dogs and will snuggle with them. But if he sees one walk across the room or outside he freaks out a bit. We don't know of he wants to play or maybe be a little rude to this 'new dog'. I don't think he realizes those are the same dogs he lives with--haha. They can't play or bother him right now so just trying to keep everyone calm and relaxed. I know it will be weeks before we can let him kind of do his own thing. They say his sight will continue to improve as the inflammation and swelling improve. I think he looks pretty good. He is on 5 different medications and not sure how long he takes all of those. We are just glad to be home and thankful the surgery was successful.


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