Tuesday, April 12, 2011

More action

Kresee loves going to Kohen's games...Her favorite is soccer because she brings her own ball and is out there in the middle of them during warm-ups...The problem is keeping her off the field during the game...She will purposely grab her ball and throw it out there on the field....

The Coyotes are doing great this season winning all but 1 game...I really wish we could play that team again when we actually had all 6 players and not just 3 boys....Oh well:)...Kohen has scored 7 goals so far (he only scored 3 the whole last season)....He continues to improve and really enjoys soccer...My favorite thing about this particular game was there were a few girls on the team...Sweet Coach Laura gave the boys a talk before the game "Are we going take it take it easy on those girls during the game?" No one really responded..."No way, if they are going to play on a boys team then we treat em like boys"....I loved it!!

Kohen's favorite thing to do is practice outside...Kerry and Kohen go to the empty lot next door and do both...Get a little tball in and then they switch to soccer.....

Some baseball pics a few games ago...I've been the parent in charge of getting all the kids lined up and ready to go when it's our turn to bat (yes, I love being in the dugout with the boys) so I haven't been taking as many pictures....

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