We went to the Dallas museum with the kids for Kohen's birthday. I have been promising to take him to the dinosaur exhibit because it ends May 1st. The kids were super excited, even Kresee.
The drive down was eventful as always. Between Kohen needing to know each town we were passing through starting with Henrietta and Kresee asking the entire trip "Hold me mommy?" And then the ordeal of what movie. He wanted Star Wars and she wanted Elmo. I made them compromise with Curious George.
But we finally got there and Kresee got scared immediately. She wasn't so sure about those dinosaurs anymore;) And I was determine to not have to pay for Kresee. If you are under 2, you are free. To the "super nice" ticket lady. So if I have a 2 year old (crap, already messed up) does she still need a ticket. "She's 2 or not 2?" Oh she's definitely not 2--almost like in a few weeks, but not 2 yet (I'm a horrible liar!)
It didn't help Kresee out that the big t-Rex was roaring!
Kohen loved it though...Walked right up to the triceratops
...my pictures aren't in very sequential order..After we got through eating lunch Kresee said "I go see the dinosaurs" ..This is her doing her complete best at standing in front of him without being too scared...She was cracking me up..."Cheeeese"
Again, this was after lunch when she was a little more brave and didn't mind standing closer
IMAX--we went to the 1:30 movie about bugs after lunch....I haven't been to one of these since I was a kid...I remember seeing the beavers with my mom, dad, and sister...Kohen enjoyed it...Kresee had the best time which included not sitting in her seat, but on the steep stairs...She "ooohed and awwwed" and "wow, see the bugs" the entire 45 minutes...Ok, 40 minutes because she almost feel asleep on the floor the last 5 mintues...I even had the pleasure of taking her to the restroom as she said "I go poo-poo" 10 times on our way out:)
As soon as the movie came on, Kohen grabbed his seat thinking he was going to fall out...We laughed at him!
On to the dinosaur exhibit...It was actually our first stop of the morning...After being scared just in the entrance, she wasn't sure at all about this whole dinosaur thing....But she was OK, just didn't want to get too close...
Playing with the tools...