Saturday, February 16, 2013

15 years!!

Today we celebrated Hunter's 15th Birthday!!!....I honestly can't believe it....Who would have thought he would have outlived Sage and Biskit by a few years and here he is still trucking along...We had a mass removed back in January and Dr. Tammen said his bloodwork looks great...You wouldn't even know he is such an old man by looking at it:)....He is hard of hearing but still sees fine...He gets a little pep in his step every once in awhile but most of his days are lying around in his favorite spots...So much that I check on him often to make sure he is still breathing...He is a little stiff when he gets up to walk around but does pretty well....He has been around since Kerry got him for me my senior year of high school when he was just a little 8 week old puppy...He was so stinking cute...He still is a great looking dog...We love you Hunter and happy birthday sweet boy!

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